(Italiano) la ricetta di questa settimana oltre che gustosa può essere utile per la decorazione della tavola di Natale
(Italiano) cracker con farina integrale di segale

(Italiano) la ricetta di questa settimana oltre che gustosa può essere utile per la decorazione della tavola di Natale
As Mara explaines in the “a bit ‘of history” corner, it is said that these cookies were the only throat sin of St. Francis, and he liked them so much to also asked them at death. There are many recipes of San Francesco’s mostaccioli, “all original”! Here I propose mine, I hope you’ll enjoy them!
Even if these cookies are made with olive oil, you can eat them for breakfast and you can dunk them in a cup of milk or if you prefer in a cup of English Breakfast tea ( http://www.teainitaly.com/italian/english-breakfast.html )