The days get longer and this beautiful sun means the arrival of spring ….. to feel more energetic we’d better lighten our liver with plants that help its purification.
The liver is the largest gland in the human body, it can be defined as the CHEMICAL LABORATORY of the organism because is where many of the fundamental processes of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and protides are carried out.
In addition, the liver transforms and makes harmless and easily eliminable many compounds largely absorbed by the intestine, which could exert a toxic action on the most delicate tissues if they pass unchanged into the systemic bloodstream.
Also many substances of hormonal origin (eg steroid hormones) are inactivated in the liver, and then eliminated with urine.
Another function of liver cells is the secretion of bile, essential for the digestion of fats.
It’s possible to understand the importance of having a well-functioning liver.
Milk Thistle is a plant already used in the past (it was cultivated in the “horti” of medieval monasteries) belonging to the family of compositae, and spread from the sea to sub-mountainous regions and islands.
In the 1960s, the active ingredient found in its fruits, silymarin, was isolated, and through in vivo and in vitro testing, its hepatoprotective and antihepatotoxic activity was confirmed.
In the market it can be found in the form of capsules to be taken a couple of times a day before meals.
Other plants with a depurative action are:
–Cynara scoymus or artichoke, belonging to the family of the composite, contains cinarina and cyanaropicrina bitter active ingredients with purifying and hypocholesterolemic activity, can be found in the form of drops of mother tincture or capsules.
–Taraxacum dens leonis, dandelion whose mother tincture is prepared from the whole flowering plant, contains bitter active ingredients, inulin, flavonoids and performs a purifying and eupeptic activity.
–Rosmarinus officinalis, rosemary in glyceric macerate, performs a good hepatic drainage acting on the bile ducts with stimulating action of the bile.
These are the plants most used in herbal medicine, but always remember to avoid the “do it yourself”!
Have a good day and see you soon!
(Italiano) piante depurative e epatoprotettive